

We can help.


65+ Canadian colleges & universities.
640+ research projects.

We must be doing something right.
From the beginning, CRI’s focus has been on research as a means to an end: providing clients with the ability to make evidence-based decisions that moves them closer to their goals.

Done right, research leads to practical recommendations that help colleges and universities tackle operational problems and seize opportunities.

So, tell us…



☎ Kirk Kelly
(514) 250-4495

How can we help you?

Recruiting more of the students you want

Our Tipping Points study focuses on identifying those critical moments of engagement that lead to prospective students saying “yes” to your institution.

That knowledge means that you can invest in crafting messages and experiences that resonate deeply, hitting home at just the right moment to tip the scales in favor of enrollment.

Unlocking needed revenues

Grants falling. Tuition frozen. Domestic enrolment capped. Fewer international students.

What’s left?

CRI can show you the revenue sources hiding in plain sight.

boosting your retention rates

With changing student dynamics (for both international and domestic), retaining enrollees is more critical than ever. Missed opportunities to support them impact both your budget and reputation.

Are you ready for a simple solution that works? Learn about our HeadStart program.

Putting your residence and ENROLMENT strategies together

Should you build a new residence? Renovate an existing facility?

Start with insights into what students want and can afford, then build the plan that fits your residence plan into your overall enrolment strategy.

Strengthening your ability to compete

Marketing is what you do every minute of every day. Anchor your efforts on solid evidence: top strengths, the weaknesses that really matter, big opportunities within reach and the threats that could blindside you.

fOCusing your Resources

Ask yourself: is your marketing spend really geared towards attracting your ideal student?

In times like these - it has to be.

Develop highly-targeted, highly-effective marketing with CRI’s psychographic segmentation process.



Let's Connect.

These are just some of the ways we’ve consistently helped our clients take their processes to the next level of performance. Everything we do started with a client asking, “Can you help me with this?”
Let’s connect and talk about your needs.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein