Boosting Acceptance Rates
Making it clear where to invest your efforts.
In the digital age of recruitment, it’s a lot harder to pinpoint those moments when a prospective student's "maybe" turns into a "yes!".
When the majority of a prospective student’s deliberation takes place behind screens, deciphering those pivotal decision-making moments has become a complicated affair. Unlike the traditional pathways, where face-to-face interactions provided clear signals of interest or intent, today’s digital-first students glide from one online resource to another, leaving behind a trail of footprints that are often faint and scattered.
CRI’s Tipping Points study is all about how institutions can spot those crucial tipping points where a student shifts from passive browsing to serious consideration, or from consideration to decisive action.
These moments are critical, yet they're occluded by a mass of digital activity – emails opened, webpages visited, virtual tours watched, social media posts viewed, etc.
We help you not only understand which of these moments of engagement are the most pivotal, but we help you interpret them to understand what truly engages and motivates today's students. This understanding is pivotal for crafting messages and experiences that resonate deeply, hitting home at just the right moment to tip the scales in favor of enrollment.
In short, CRI’s new Tipping Points study is all about understanding how students make that leap from "just browsing" to "sign me up," and using those insights to make your institutions the place they can't wait to join.
The findings and recommendations from this study help you identify student perception opportunities (where you can see where your strengths and weaknesses lie) and student action opportunities (where you can further galvanize students to specific action).
If you want to learn more about Tipping Points and how you can use data to make decisions that will benefit both your institution and your future students, feel free to reach out for a chat.
Learn how Tipping Points can help you.
Call us at (514)-250-4495 or let us reach out.
“Don’t push people to where you want them to be - meet them where they are.”